Legacy Visual and Performing Arts High School is a student-centered, creative learning community that engages students intellectually and artistically, instilling responsible citizenship and academic rigor for college and career preparedness. Legacy VAPA offers a comprehensive arts program alongside a rigorous college prep curriculum with a full selection of honors and Advanced Placement courses as well as academic electives such as philosophy and Academic Decathlon (ACADECA). VAPA HS is fully WASC-Accredited and is in the South Gate Zone of Choice with several students attend from other schools in LAUSD and outside districts. VAPA HS frequently adds new programs and partnerships, most recently the Harmony Project and California Cadet Corps (2022) . The community and prospective students and their families are encouraged to contact Hugo Carlos, Principal with any questions or concerns at [email protected].
Vision and Mission
Legacy Visual and Performing Arts High School is a student-centered creative learning community that engages students intellectually and artistically, instilling responsible citizenship and academic rigor for college and career preparedness.
Legacy Visual and Performing Arts High School recognizes each student’s individuality, creativity, and academic potential. VAPA values student voice in the development of exciting extracurricular programs and the establishment of a safe, inclusive school culture. To prepare our diverse student population for success in a changing world, VAPA High School stakeholders collaborate to foster a rigorous and creative learning community in which we focus on success in academics as well as instruction in the visual and performing arts.
Schoolwide Learner Outcomes
We are…
Visionary citizens who…
- Contribute to society
- Adapt to a changing world
- Appreciate the aesthetic value and social significance of the arts
- Accept and embrace diversity
Academic, creative thinkers who…
- Collaborate
- Self-regulate
- Use art as a form of self-expression and as a tool to access academic content
Problem Solvers who…
- Use effective strategies
- Interpret and apply information appropriately
Able Communicators who…
- Listen actively and respectfully
- Speak confidently
- Write proficiently
- Read critically