For first-time college students.
10th-12th grade students interested in photography, music, dance, writing, film, or arts can win up to $10,000 and receive a lifetime of mentoring and professional support.
A $1,000 scholarship will be awarded to high school students that are unafraid to stand up and speak out against injustice.
This scholarship award of $1,000 is a merit-based competition open to 10th-12th grade students who are committed to getting a higher education.
9th-12th grade students who have talent in acting, dance, ballet, and classical or jazz instruments are invited to submit an audition video to earn a prize of $100-5,000.
Undocumented students with financial need who plan to pursue a STEM career, may be awarded college scholarships, career and fellowship support, mentorship, and community building opportunities.
This scholarship is an achievement based award of $20,000 for graduating seniors, who lead, serve and impact their schools and communities.
$2,000 will be awarded to students who have demonstrated a commitment to expanding the diversity and inclusion at their school, community or workplace.
Students wanting to become a public servant may be awarded $1,000.
Seeking to recognize student with a $2,000 award for their efforts in effecting change regarding mental health and spreading mental health awareness.
The Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities provides scholarships up to $5,000 per semester for students with financial need that will be attending Hispanic-Serving Institutions and will study abroad.
High school seniors who submit an original scientific research will be invited to Washington, D.C. to participate in final judging, meet notable scientists, government leaders, and may be awarded $2,000- 250,000.
Current seniors, who are U.S. citizens, have a financial need, demonstrate scholarship and leadership; will pursue a four-year degree on a full-time basis may be awarded $1,000 –12,5000 per year.
Current seniors, who are U.S. citizens interested in pursuing a career in STEM, are academically strong and excel in public speaking may receive a scholarship in the amount of $15,000.
10th-12th grade students, who are U.S. citizens may be awarded digital SLR cameras and/or $2,5000 scholarships whose photojournalism “tells a story”.
The application opens January 1, 2023.